Using purple for Santa’s suit and bag creates a bold and distinctive visual, seamlessly integrating the marketing message into the design. This approach not only makes the small eyebrow digital ad visually impactful but also invokes curiosity, enhancing its uniqueness and boosting its clickability.
Below are samples of exploratory concepts for Cheesy Cheddars' Valentine's Day digital ad campaign. These ideas take a lighthearted and humorous approach to capture attention. One concept features crackers arranged in the shape of a heart, while another emphasizes the crackers as something precious or special. The final concept surprises viewers with the reveal of a thoughtful gift. Each ad includes engaging links to cracker-based recipes, a downloadable $1 coupon, and a convenient "where to buy" link to help viewers locate the product.
Here is a selection of compact ads for Milton's products, designed to quickly capture attention with clever and engaging visuals. These straightforward yet impactful designs are highly effective at standing out and drawing viewers in.

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